Acorn Risc-OS software production & development

IconizeBar 0.18

What is IconizeBar?

IconizeBar is a replacement of the standard iconize-function from Pinboard. The iconized windows are collected in one windows are collected in one window, this is in contrast with Pinboard, which is using different icons on the background. This looks somewhat like the 'Taskbar' of M$-Windoze '95, but Windows is just imitating the Risc-OS iconbar, while this is more a replacement of the iconize function of Pinboard.

Some screenshots

As you see, you can simply move the pointer to the top of the screen and the IconizeBar window appears.

Version history

0.1631 March 1998-First public release, available in Dutch & English. (Other languages are welcome, send them to me and I include them in the Next version)
0.1706 April 1998-Removed some bugs (for example the possibility to iconize the same window twice) and added the possibility to choose where the window of IconizeBar is opened. (At the top of the screen or on top of the iconbar)
0.1801 May 1998-Mainly bugs removed.

Download (Zip-Archive, 19579 bytes, Version 0.18)

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